
This plugin allows rules to contain regular expression tags.

Example usage

loadplugin      pad.plugins.replace_tags.ReplaceTags

replace_start <
replace_end   >
replace_tag   A       [a@]
replace_tag   G       [gk]
replace_tag   I       [il|!1y\?\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf\xec\xed\xee\xef]
replace_tag   R       [r3]
replace_tag   V       (?:[vu]|\\\/)
replace_tag   SP      [\s~_-]

body          VIAGRA_OBFU     /(?!viagra)<V>+<SP>*<I>+<SP>*<A>+<SP>*<G>+<SP>*<R>+<SP>*<A>+/i
describe      VIAGRA_OBFU     Attempt to obfuscate "viagra"
replace_rules VIAGRA_OBFU


After configuring the replacement tags, the tag can then be used in any regular expression rule. By adding the extra replace_rules NAME line.


replace_tag [] (type append)
Assign a valid regular expression to tagname.
replace_pre [] (type append)
Assign a valid regular expression to tagname. The expression will be placed before each tag that is replaced.
replace_post [] (type append)
Assign a valid regular expression to tagname. The expression will be placed between each two immediately adjacent tags that are replaced.
replace_inter [] (type append)
Assign a valid regular expression to tagname. The expression will be placed after each tag that is replaced.
replace_rules [] (type append_split)
Specify a list of symbolic test names (separated by whitespace) of tests which should be modified using replacement tags. Only simple regular expression body, header, uri, full, rawbody tests are supported.
replace_end > (type str)
String(s) which indicate the end of a tag inside a rule. Only tags enclosed by the start and end strings are found and replaced.
replace_start < (type str)
String(s) which indicate the start of a tag inside a rule. Only tags enclosed by the start and end strings are found and replaced.

EVAL rules


